Monday, February 18, 2013

Forgotten Cookies

I told you I was going to make these Forgotten cookies for V-Day and I did, and they were ah-ma-zing! Like a merengue, but chewy in the middle. So good, so light, definitely a new favorite cookie. However, do not attempt without an electric mixer. I'm telling you from experience, it's not worth it. I made these at the bf's house, where there is not an electric mixer to be found and I paid the price with 40 extra minutes of beating and an extremely sore and tired shoulder. Blast.

Forgotten Cookies (adopted from Sugar and Charm)
makes 24 cookies


3 egg whites
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch salt
1 cup pecans, chopped
1 cup mini, dark chocolate chips


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Beat the egg whites in an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Add the sugar, salt and vanilla. Beat until stiff peaks form. Fold in the pecans and chocolate chips. Spoon onto a greased cookie sheet. Place cookies in the oven and turn the oven off. Forget about the cookies and leave them in the oven overnight and, ta da! You have Forgotten Cookies! (If you don't want to wait until the next morning, they only need about 2 hours in the oven until they're done.)

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